Translations Workout routines Poworkout Trim & Tone
These translations are made for the Swedish users to help them pick the right workout routine when reading our workout schedules in English.
Engelska | Svenska |
Fab Abs | Platt Mage |
Belly Work | Muskulös Mage |
Back Blitz | Stark Rygg |
Core Force | Stabil Mitt |
Power Posture | Elegant Hållning |
Toned Legs | Slanka Ben |
Firm Bum | Fast Rumpa |
Booty Shape | Formad Rumpa |
Explosive Body | Explosivstyrka |
Total Body Mix | Helkroppsmix |
Athletic Cardio | Atletisk Fettförbränning |
Functional Fat Burning | Funktionell Fettförbränning |
Toned Arms | Tonade Armar |
Lunge Challenge | Utfallsutmaningen |
High Knee Challenge | Knälyftsutmaningen |
Plank Challenge | Plankutmaningen |
Core Challenge | Coreutmaningen |
Crunch Challenge | Crunchutmaningen |
Cardio Core | Konditionscore |
Core Shape | Corestyrka |
Squat Challenge | Benböjsutmaningen |
Jump Challenge | Hopputmaningen |
Skater Challenge | Skridskoutmaningen |
Kick Back Challenge | Baksidabenutmaningen |
Do you have any questions? Please contact us!