Straight back stretch

straight back stretch
Caroline Nilsson is your personal trainer showing you how to do Straight back stretch.


Start from a kneeling position, lean forward your upper body and reach arms forward. Place the the stomach on your knees, relax and breathe deep breaths to stretch the back muscles.


Rest the forehead on the ground and relax your neck muscles. Strive to bring buttocks as far back as possible.


Keep your arms along the sides, round the back and place forehead towards the ground.

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Erector spinae, Latissimus dorsi and Deltoideus.


Breathe in, breathe out and move the buttocks far back.

Lean forward upper body and reach your arms forward. Place the the stomach on your knees, relax.

This exercise is 1 of 44 exercises that are included in the app Poworkout Stretch.

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