Kneeling hip stretch

kneeling hip stretch
Caroline Nilsson is your personal trainer showing you how to do Kneeling hip stretch.


Stand on you knees, stride forward with one leg and place the heel beneath the knee. Keep front knee behind your toes throughout the exercise. Fold in the tail and stretch your body upwards. Press the hip forward on the back leg.


Remember to keep your back straight at all times, avoid curving. Raise the arm on the stretching side to increase the stretch.


Keep your hands on the front leg knee to support. Place a towel under the back knee to do the exercise more comfortable.

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Step forward with one leg and place the heel in front of the knee.

Fold in the tail and stretch your body upwards. Press forward the hip on the back leg. Keep the front knee behind the toes.

This exercise is 1 of 44 exercises that are included in the app Poworkout Stretch.

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