Soccer Stretch

Stretch routine for soccer players to increase flexibility.


  • Standing quadriceps stretch

    standing quadriceps stretch

    Stand in a strong position, grasp the ankle of one leg and move heel towards your butt. Keep your knees together and push your hip forward. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize.

    Read more about Standing quadriceps stretch

  • Deep calf stretch

    deep calf stretch

    Start from a kneeling position and sit back towards your heels with your bottom and place one foot into the floor so that your toes line up with the knee that is in the ground. Place your body weight on the sole of the foot and stamp down the heel. Lean forward, lift the buttocks from the heels, think that the knee of the stretching leg should move slightly forward and down, without the heel leave the ground.

    Read more about Deep calf stretch

  • Calf stretch

    calf stretch

    Stand in a strong position and step one large step backward with one foot and place both feet with your toes pointing straight ahead. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize, place the weight on the front leg and stamp down the rear foot's heel in the floor with a straight knee. Keep back leg stretched throughout exercise and press your hip forward and down.

    Read more about Calf stretch

  • Standing hip stretch

    standing hip stretch

    Stand in a strong basic position and stride forward with one foot. Fold in the tail, keep the hips parallel, tip hip back and press it forwards.

    Read more about Standing hip stretch

  • Gluteus stretch twist

    gluteus stretch twist

    Start from seated position, place one foot on the outside of the other leg's thigh. Rotate upward and backward - keep your back straight. Rotate at the same time the opposite side's shoulder towards the bent leg. Grasp your knee with your arm to get deeper in the stretch.

    Read more about Gluteus stretch twist

  • Parallel back stretch

    parallel back stretch

    Stand or sit in the basic position, reach arms forward and grab hands in front of the body at chest height, round the back and bend the upper back. Strive to keep the arms parallel to the ground.

    Read more about Parallel back stretch

  • Standing hamstring stretch

    standing hamstring stretch

    Start in standing position, place one foot's heel in the ground a bit in front of the body and lean forward your upper body, keep back straight. Bend leg's slightly, lift up your chest and arch your back a little. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize.

    Read more about Standing hamstring stretch

  • Neck stretch with weight

    neck stretch with weight

    Sit or stand with your back straight and strong posture. Tip head forward, relax and strive to bring chin towards the throat. Put your hands on your head as a weight, avoid this if you have neck problems.

    Read more about Neck stretch with weight

  • Chest stretch

    chest stretch

    Sit or stand firmly in basic position, fold your hands behind head and move elbows backward while pressing the chest, lower the shoulders and relax. Breathe deep breathes and keep the shoulder blades lowered during the entire exercise.

    Read more about Chest stretch

  • Standing side stretch

    standing side stretch

    This exercise stretches the hip and outside of thigh. Start in the standing position with your feet together. Cross legs and place the weight on the front leg. Press foot's posterior hip laterally outwardly and forwardly, extend arm on the same side up and tilt your upper body aside. Tighten abdominal muscles for support.

    Read more about Standing side stretch

  • Periosteum stretch

    periosteum stretch

    Sit on your knees and place one foot in the ground in line with your knee and place all your weight on the foot. Place the top of the other foot into the floor and press it against the ground as you lift up your knee with your hands. Feel that it extends in periosteum and in the front of the lower leg.

    Read more about Periosteum stretch

Soccer Stretch is 1 of 60 stretch routines in Poworkout Stretch. Available for iPhone and iPad.

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