Tone it up with powerwalks - technique and tips

tone it up with powerwalks - technique and tips
Walk the same way as when you are walking as usual - but faster. Powerwalks is a gentle type of exercise that can be performed frequently.
Start in a standing position because with good posture, keep in mind that there should be a line ear - shoulders - hips - knees.
Tighten your abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Keep your upper body straight up, chest up and lower your shoulders. Breathe normally.

Use your arms to get up the pace. Slightly bent arms, you do not bend them as you do when running, almost straight arms gives you power in your steps.

Place the heel first in every step, lift your knees slightly at each step. On a flat surface, it is easy to unconsciously walk with straight legs, which is strenuous for the knees.

In hilly terrain, when you walk on a path in the woods for example, you almost automatically lift your knees in a natural way. Strive to do it even on a flat surface.

Push off with the foot a little bit in each step to increase the pace and distinguish it from your normal walking pace.

To vary and increase your speed eventually you can work with your footsteps. Add intervals and increase your walking speed, mix it up by slowing down the speed and focus on the length of the stride. Take longer steps.

When you powerwalk on the treadmill - visualize yourself walking being happy and proud. It activates the muscles on the rear even more. Keep your eyes looking upward and forward. Chest up, then you also get in more oxygen and can breathe better.